the journal

What is art to you? At times where I found myself unable to fully express how I was feeling verbally, I was able to show it through my art. Art is a form of expression, a canvas upon which we paint our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It’s where you are free to just be, there […]

The art of letting go I started smoking cannabis at a young age but picked up on it heavily in my adult years. At one point in my life, I was a heavy smoker smoking 2-4 times a day by myself. Mentally it was great, I was able to create A LOT. Constantly pumping out […]

success mood vision goal

So you want a new start for 2023. If you’ve never created a vision board,I think you’d enjoy this post. In fact, why don’t you create one right now? Technology has made creating one much easier! Don’t worry about not having time or being busy this week. Take a break from Netflix for a few […]

green tea herb mug glass cinnamon calm relax

It all happened so fast During a period of my life where I thought nothing else could go wrong. As I had just experienced the loss of my cousin and father. A diagnosis of Lupus was given a few weeks later.  Doctors said that I would have to deal with this for the rest of […]


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